
CI : Docs CI : Lint CI : Tests PyPI : deskmaid Python : versions Discord License : MIT


Deskmaid is a configurable desktop cleaner. It scans your desktop and moves selected files to a folder, organizing them by file extension. Everything can be configured in ~/.config/deskmaid/config.yml.


You can install deskmaid using pipx from PyPI

pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install deskmaid
deskmaid shortcut

This will install two shortcuts on your desktop:

Two shortcuts, one with Thoru vacuuming and the other with Kanna opening her mouth wide, both people are from the anime Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

How to cancel a run ?

Open shell then run:

deskmaid undo



Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with poe check, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.


You need to install Poetry and Git for work with this project.

git clone
cd deskmaid
poetry install --all-extras
poetry run poe setup
poetry shell


Poe is available for help you to run tasks.

test           Run test suite.
lint           Run linters: ruff checker and ruff formatter and mypy.
format         Run linters in fix mode.
check          Run all checks: lint, test and docs.
check-tag      Check if the current tag match the version.
cov            Run coverage for generate report and html.
locale         Compile locale and refresh .po and .mo files.
open-cov       Open html coverage report in webbrowser.
docs           Build documentation.
open-docs      Open documentation in webbrowser.
setup          Setup pre-commit.
pre-commit     Run pre-commit.
commit         Test, commit and push.
clean          Clean cache files.

Skip commit verification

If the linting is not successful, you can’t commit. For forcing the commit you can use the next command :

git commit --no-verify -m 'MESSAGE'

Commit with commitizen

To respect commit conventions, this repository uses Commitizen.

poe commit

How to add dependency

poetry add 'PACKAGE'

Ignore illegitimate warnings

To ignore illegitimate warnings you can add :

  • # noqa: ERROR_CODE on the same line for ruff.

  • # type: ignore[ERROR_CODE] on the same line for mypy.

  • # pragma: no cover on the same line to ignore line for coverage.

  • # doctest: +SKIP on the same line for doctest.


pipx uninstall deskmaid


This work is licensed under MIT.

