Source code for z3_armor.algorithm

"""Generator for constraints."""

import builtins
import logging
import pathlib
import random
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template
from z3 import BitVec, Solver, sat

from .constraint import (

# Load jinja Environnement
HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
TEMPLATES = HERE / "templates"

# Logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NoMoreConstraintError(RecursionError):
    """No constraints can be generated."""

[docs]class Z3Armor:
[docs] def __init__( self, secret: bytes, random_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Instantiated Z3Armor.""" self.indexes = {i: 0 for i in range(len(secret))} self.constraints: List[Constraint] = [] if random_state is not None: self.rand = random.Random(random_state) # noqa: S311 else: self.rand = random.SystemRandom() self.secret = secret
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Represent the ConstraintGenerator.""" return ( f"<ConstraintGenerator constraints={len(self.constraints)} " f"secret={self.secret!r}>" )
[docs] def solver(self) -> Tuple[Solver, List[BitVec]]: """Create the solver.""" solver = Solver() terms = [BitVec(f"p[{i}]", 8) for i in range(len(self.secret))] for const in self.constraints: solver.add(const.apply(terms)) return solver, terms
[docs] def verify(self, secret: bytes) -> bool: """Verify a password on the constraint generator.""" return all(const.check(secret) for const in self.constraints)
[docs] def complete(self) -> bool: """Check that the solver has a valid unique solution.""" # Get the current solver solver, terms = self.solver() # Check if model is sat result = solver.check() if result != sat: logger.debug("No complete because model solver is %s", result) return False # Check if one of secret characters is None model = solver.model() solution = [model[c] for c in terms] if any(c is None for c in solution): logger.debug("No complete because some char are missing") return False # Check if first guess is the secret guess: Optional[bytes] = bytes(c.as_long() for c in solution) if guess != self.secret: logger.debug("No complete because first guess is wrong") return False # Check if there are only one guess guess = None for secret in if guess: logger.debug("No complete because other guess exist") return False guess = secret if guess is None: raise TypeError # All is ok so return True logger.debug("Complete") return True
[docs] def solutions(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: """Find all solution for the currents constraints.""" # ref: # ref: solver, terms = self.solver() previous = set() def _all_smt_rec(terms: List[BitVec]) -> Iterator[bytes]: if sat == solver.check(): model = solver.model() solution = [model[c] for c in terms] if all(c is not None for c in solution): password = bytes(c.as_long() for c in solution) if password not in previous: previous.add(password) yield password for i in range(len(terms)): solver.push() try: solver.add(terms[i] != model.eval(terms[i])) for j in range(i): solver.add(terms[j] == model.eval(terms[j])) yield from _all_smt_rec(terms[i:]) finally: solver.pop() yield from _all_smt_rec(terms)
[docs] def weights(self) -> List[float]: """Computes the weights of each index.""" total = sum(count for count in self.indexes.values()) if total == 0: return [1 / len(self.indexes)] * len(self.indexes) return [count / total for count in self.indexes.values()]
[docs] def generate(self, rand: Optional[random.Random] = None) -> Constraint: """Generate a new constraint and it into the generator.""" # Generate an temporary generator if rand is None: seed = self.rand.random() rand = random.Random(seed) # noqa: S311 used_indexes = [] const: Constraint # Create first constraints if rand.randint(0, 1) == 0: x, y = self.weighted_sampling(rand, 2) used_indexes.append(x) used_indexes.append(y) rev_op = rand.choice(list(REVERSIBLE_OPERATORS.values())) n = rev_op.reverse(self.secret[y], self.secret[x]) % 256 # Avoid linkage of the same letter if n == 0: try: return self.generate(rand=rand) except RecursionError: error_message = "No more constraint can be generated." raise NoMoreConstraintError(error_message) from None const = CompareConstraint(x, y, rev_op, n) # Create a OperationConstraint else: x, y = self.weighted_sampling(rand, 2) used_indexes.append(x) used_indexes.append(y) op = rand.choice(list(OPERATORS.values())) n = op(self.secret[x], self.secret[y]) % 256 const = OperationConstraint(x, y, op, n) # Regenerate already existing constants if const in self.constraints: try: return self.generate(rand=rand) except RecursionError: error_message = "No more constraint can be generated." raise NoMoreConstraintError(error_message) from None # Use index for i in used_indexes: self.indexes[i] += 1 self.constraints.append(const)"Generate new constraint %s", const) return const
[docs] def fit(self) -> None: """Make solver sat.""" while not self.complete(): try: self.generate() except NoMoreConstraintError: # noqa: PERF203"No more constraints") break self.reduce() if not self.complete(): error_message = "Model is not sat after reduce" raise RuntimeError(error_message)
[docs] def weighted_sampling( self, rand: random.Random, k: int, ) -> List[int]: """Get index using sampling.""" if k > len(self.indexes): error_message = "Not enough indexes." raise IndexError(error_message) indexes = self.indexes.copy() chosen = [] for _ in range(k): max_count = max(indexes.values()) if min(indexes.values()) == max_count: max_count += 1 weights = [max_count - v for v in indexes.values()] (choose,) = rand.choices( list(indexes.keys()), k=1, weights=weights ) chosen.append(choose) indexes.pop(choose) return chosen
[docs] def reduce(self) -> None: """Minimize the number of constraints.""""Start reduction") start_size = len(self.constraints) while True: for constraint in self.constraints: self.constraints.remove(constraint) if self.complete(): break self.constraints.append(constraint) else: break "Reduction result: %s to %s", start_size, len(self.constraints), )
[docs] def format(self, name: str) -> str: """Format the algorithm with the premade template.""" env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATES), autoescape=False, # noqa: S701 ) for variable in dir(builtins): if not variable.startswith("_"): env.globals[variable] = getattr(builtins, variable) template = env.get_template(name + ".j2") return self.format_from_template(template)
[docs] def format_from_path(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str: """Format the algorithm with template on filesystem.""" path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(path.parent), autoescape=False, # noqa: S701 ) for name in dir(builtins): if not name.startswith("_"): env.globals[name] = getattr(builtins, name) template = env.get_template( return self.format_from_template(template)
[docs] def format_from_template(self, template: Template) -> str: """Format the algorithm with the provided template.""" return template.render( secret=self.secret, constraints=self.constraints, size=len(self.secret), )