Source code for z3_armor.constraint

"""Module for constraints."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

from typing_extensions import override
from z3 import BitVec, BoolRef

from .operator import Operator

[docs]class Constraint(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: """Representation of the constraint."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self, terms: List[BitVec]) -> BoolRef: """Apply terms an BitVec Array."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self, secret: bytes) -> bool: """Check the password."""
@dataclass class CompareConstraint(Constraint): """secret[0] == (secret[1] ^ 47).""" x: int y: int op: Operator n: int @override def __str__(self) -> str: return f"secret[{self.x}] == (secret[{self.y}] {self.op} {self.n})" @override def apply(self, terms: List[BitVec]) -> BoolRef: return terms[self.x] == self.op(terms[self.y], self.n) @override def check(self, secret: bytes) -> bool: return bool(secret[self.x] == self.op(secret[self.y], self.n) % 256) @dataclass class ConstantConstraint(Constraint): """6 == secret[0] ^ 47.""" x: int k: int op: Operator n: int @override def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.k} == (secret[{self.x}] {self.op} {self.n})" @override def apply(self, terms: List[BitVec]) -> BoolRef: return self.op(terms[self.x], self.n) == self.k @override def check(self, secret: bytes) -> bool: return bool(self.op(secret[self.x], self.n) % 256 == self.k) @dataclass class OperationConstraint(Constraint): """secret[0] ^ secret[1] == 4.""" x: int y: int op: Operator n: int @override def __str__(self) -> str: return f"(secret[{self.x}] {self.op} secret[{self.y}]) == {self.n}" @override def apply(self, terms: List[BitVec]) -> BoolRef: return self.op(terms[self.x], terms[self.y]) == self.n @override def check(self, secret: bytes) -> bool: return bool(self.op(secret[self.x], secret[self.y]) % 256 == self.n)